von punktzehn-fmw | Nov. 12, 2021
Heart of the Cosmos Felix Maria Woschek2021 I married the moon A Garden among the flames Heart of the Cosmos Abwun BUY CD EUROPE BUY IT ON AMAZON Heart of the Cosmos Felix Maria Woschek hat sich wieder einmal auf eine tiefe innere Reise zurück zu seinen Wurzeln der...
von punktzehn-fmw | Juli 4, 2019
Into the Light Felix Maria Woschek 2019 Elohim Into the Light One voice One Heart Water of Love Mia's Lullaby Desert Wind BUY CD EUROPE BUY IT ON AMAZON Into the Light Felix takes us on his inner journey from darkness to light in a wide, sacred space. His mantras and...
von punktzehn-fmw | Aug. 11, 2018
Shalom Salam - Mantra Songs from Judaism and Islam Felix Maria Woschek and friends Gesine Esther Strohmeier 1993 Call of the Dervish God is Love Ishq Allah Journey to the Lord of Mercy Amen Shema Yirsraeyl Nigun Barchi Nafshi De-Ror Yikra Sha-alu Shelom Yerushalayim...
von punktzehn-fmw | Aug. 11, 2018
Shalom Salam Volume II Felix Maria Woschek and friends 2003 Gurubandana Shri Krishna Shalom Aleichem Allah huma salle Allah Hinneih Matov I Hinneih Matov II Nigun Bismillah BUY CD EUROPE BUY IT ON AMAZON Shalom Salam Vol. II 10 years after my album „Shalom...
von punktzehn-fmw | Aug. 11, 2018
Mystic Dance – Devotional Music Felix Maria Woschek and friends 1994 Playing time: 66 min Se Deus Quizer Chamundraye Kali Ma Ajmer Sharif Atma Rama Jai Ambe Jagadambe Pinto Lobo Jai Hanuman Hanuman Gosain Mystic Dance Japanese Dream BUY CD EUROPE BUY IT ON AMAZON...
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